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Water - Elemental Magic II

Water - Elemental Magic II

Water - Elemental Magic II
Elemental Magic

Water - Elemental Magic II

Water is an element of love, bound between generations, emotions, and a personification of the women's power. Water magic is very much like Moon magic - it brings in harmony, peace, and healing. It...

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Earth - Elemental Magic I

Earth - Elemental Magic I

The four elements are a fundamental concept in the world of magic. Earth, Water, Fire, and Air are the parts that form the Universe itself on the physical and on the spiritual level. The four eleme...

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Mabon - Autumn Equinox

Mabon - Autumn Equinox

Since ancient times the autumnal equinox was considered the fest of the harvest, but unlike Lammath, Mabon is the time of the vegetables and fruits, especially apples. The apple is a fruit of love ...

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Familiar, Totem, and Animal Spirit guide

Familiar, Totem, and Animal Spirit guide

Animals have always attracted and amazed people. This connection to the animal world is particularly strong for shamans, healers, witches, and everyone else, who practices magic. However, the glob...

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How PandoraWitchShop Was Born - Let's get acquainted!

How PandoraWitchShop Was Born - Let's get acquainted!

Hello dear friends! We are Nata and Nick, and we're creators of this magical shop. We live and work in Ukraine. Pandora is not just a project, it is our child, raised with the magic and love. It wa...

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Ritual Incense
essential oil

Ritual Incense

Incense helps to create the appropriate mental attitude necessary to achieve your goal. Incense consists of various leaves, flowers, roots, bark and resins. The composition does not include toxic i...

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Totem Magic

Totem Magic

Different spirits surrounding us in this world. Interacting with them is the oldest religion of mankind and it is still around helping us to live in harmony with nature and maintain our physical an...

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Ritual Ointments

Ritual Ointments

Ointments are usually rubbed on the body to tune in the right way, fill yourself with the necessary energy and prepare for the desired magical changes.   ⠀ Ointments should be stored away from hea...

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Ritual Oils
essential oil

Ritual Oils

Oils are an auxiliary magic tool that helps to tune you (your objects) in the right way and give the ritual the necessary energy. ⠀   There are many uses for oils in magic. Ritual objects, crystals...

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Ouija Boards
Ouija Board

Ouija Boards

There are many different and scary stories about Ouija board. Some calls it Devil board, but you shouldn't believe horror movies and gloomy novels. From the other hand you should use Ouija wisely a...

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