
On June 21, Witches celebrate one of the eight Great Sabbaths, Litha. It is the festival of the summer solstice - the blossoming of life and the green, the longest day and shortest night of the yea...
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Fire is a symbol of force, courage, will to live, passion, and independence. It is an element of the light and of the Sun which brings fertility and inspiration. Use fire magic with caution not to ...
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Air patronizes new beginnings, changes, actions, and journeys. Poets and dreamers use the power of Air. This magic can help with education, communications, researches, dreams.
Read moreSince ancient times the autumnal equinox was considered the fest of the harvest, but unlike Lammath, Mabon is the time of the vegetables and fruits, especially apples. The apple is a fruit of love ...
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Incense helps to create the appropriate mental attitude necessary to achieve your goal. Incense consists of various leaves, flowers, roots, bark and resins. The composition does not include toxic i...
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Different spirits surrounding us in this world. Interacting with them is the oldest religion of mankind and it is still around helping us to live in harmony with nature and maintain our physical an...
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The Card of the day can be the best daily ritual for you. We can start our new day in many different ways. And there is one simple ritual with your Tarot or Oracle Deck which is the best way to get...
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