
Lammas is celebrated from July 31 to August 2, but traditional celebration falls on August 1, the day when the first bread was baked from the first harvested wheat. Within the Wiccan tradition, La...
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On June 21, Witches celebrate one of the eight Great Sabbaths, Litha. It is the festival of the summer solstice - the blossoming of life and the green, the longest day and shortest night of the yea...
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Yule is a day of the Winter Solstice, of fires, and the birth of the New Sun. Mother Goddess returns from the underworld and gives birth to the Solar God on the longest night of the year. Yule cele...
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Since ancient times people were looking at the starry sky and tried to understand, what mysteries it holds and how it influences life on the Earth. They were sending their prayers and hopes to the ...
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Fire is a symbol of force, courage, will to live, passion, and independence. It is an element of the light and of the Sun which brings fertility and inspiration. Use fire magic with caution not to ...
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Air patronizes new beginnings, changes, actions, and journeys. Poets and dreamers use the power of Air. This magic can help with education, communications, researches, dreams.
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