Wheels of the Year
The wooden Wheel of the Year is a cyclic calendar of the natural festivals that determine the life, rituals, and magical practices of many of the modern witches, neopagans, and Wiccans. The Wheel of the Year includes four seasonal festivals (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain) and four solar events: two equinoxes (Spring Equinox or Ostara and Autumn Equinox or Mabon) and two solstices (Winter Solstice or Yule and Summer Solstice or Litha).
Wheel of the Year - Sun - Wood\Gold
From $60
Wheel of the Year - Sun - Black\Gold
From $60
Wheel of the Year - Enchanted Forest
From $65
Wheel of the Year - Darker Hallows
From $65
Wheel of the Year - Zodiac - Natural
From $50