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Lammas - Lughnasadh

Lammas - Lughnasadh

Lammas - Lughnasadh

Lammas - Lughnasadh

Lammas is celebrated from July 31 to August 2, but traditional celebration falls on August 1, the day when the first bread was baked from the first harvested wheat. Within the Wiccan tradition, La...

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On February 1st and 2nd witches and neopagans celebrate the turn of the Wheel of the Year - Imbolc, the festival of candles, milk, and awakening of nature. The sheep are one of the main symbols of...

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Fire - Elemental Magic IV
Elemental Magic

Fire - Elemental Magic IV

Fire is a symbol of force, courage, will to live, passion, and independence. It is an element of the light and of the Sun which brings fertility and inspiration. Use fire magic with caution not to ...

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Air - Elemental Magic III

Air - Elemental Magic III

Air patronizes new beginnings, changes, actions, and journeys. Poets and dreamers use the power of Air. This magic can help with education, communications, researches, dreams.

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Water - Elemental Magic II
Elemental Magic

Water - Elemental Magic II

Water is an element of love, bound between generations, emotions, and a personification of the women's power. Water magic is very much like Moon magic - it brings in harmony, peace, and healing. It...

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Earth - Elemental Magic I

Earth - Elemental Magic I

The four elements are a fundamental concept in the world of magic. Earth, Water, Fire, and Air are the parts that form the Universe itself on the physical and on the spiritual level. The four eleme...

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Ritual Incense
essential oil

Ritual Incense

Incense helps to create the appropriate mental attitude necessary to achieve your goal. Incense consists of various leaves, flowers, roots, bark and resins. The composition does not include toxic i...

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Ritual Oils
essential oil

Ritual Oils

Oils are an auxiliary magic tool that helps to tune you (your objects) in the right way and give the ritual the necessary energy. ⠀   There are many uses for oils in magic. Ritual objects, crystals...

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