Great Goddess of the Sun - beeswax candle
Great Goddess of the Sun
Since ancient times people believe that the Sun is a powerful Mother and Goddess of birth and death. She brings life on Earth by her light and warm, but she may kill by withering heat and drought. So the Goddess of the Sun represents the never-ending circle of life.
This candle helps you to get through the darkest times.
Use it to celebrate the power of the Sun Goddess and brings some divine light to your everyday life. Also, the candle is perfect to discover secrets and face the truth.
- Handmade
- Beeswax and oils
- 8,3 inch - 21 cm
- Weight: 160 g
- Production times: 2 weeks
Attention! The candle should be placed on a refractory stand, it has a high flame Observe the rules of fire safety while working with the candle.
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