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Goddess of Harmony - beeswax candle

Sale price$12.00

Goddess of Harmony

With the development of ancient society and its social foundations, the Goddess of the family hearth comes to the fore in the pantheon of gods. She is the unchanging companion of the Supreme God and his faithful wife.

She was prayed for by ancient women of different status and different classes: someone asked for help, someone expressed words of gratitude, and someone asked for advice. The Goddess is applied in the matters of the family (children, husbands, etc.), asked for protection or blessing. She also patronizes women and female share.

The candle brings harmony and peace in your home and soul, helps to get rid of the spleen and blues. It can be also used for finding balance in your life.


  • Handmade
  • Beeswax and oils
  • 7 inch - 18 cm 
  • Weight: 85-90 g
  • Production times: 2 weeks

Attention! The candle should be placed on a refractory stand, it has a high flame Observe the rules of fire safety while working with the candle.

Please, be attentive to the information about the production time and international delivery. By placing an order, you confirm that you have read and agree with the terms and conditions of production and delivery (INFO on the main page of the site.). Thank You

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Goddess of Harmony - beeswax candle
Goddess of Harmony - beeswax candle Sale price$12.00