Altar Pentacles
As the heart of altar, pentacle with an image of different witchcraft symbols, Gods and Goddesses and moon cycles inspire every witch to create real magic.
Emerald Phillip - Altar pentacle
From $50
From $40
Familiar - Octopus
From $50
Familiar - Goat
From $50
Altar pentacle - Baphomet - Natural
From $40
Altar pentacle - Morrigan - Natural
From $50
Moon - Altar pentacle - Natural
From $40
Altar pentacle - Kali Face
From $60
Altar pentacle - Hecate - Natural
From $50
Cat Totem Board
Fox Totem Board
Planetary PentaMoon - Natural
From $30
Altar Pentacle - Goddess - Natural
From $30
Altar Amulet - Bereginya - Natural
From $50
Lunar Kitten - natural
From $60
Altar pentacle - Persephone
From $70
Altar pentacle - Hades
From $70
Altar pentacle - Hades - Natural
From $50
Altar pentacle - Cerridwen
From $70
Altar pentacle - Cerridwen - Natural
From $50
Purple Beetle - Altar pentacle
From $50
Familiar - Serpent - Bloody Python
From $60
Familiar - Serpent - Silver Python
From $60
Familiar - Serpent - Python
From $50
Familiar - Serpent - Water Snake
From $50
Familiar - Serpent - Bloody Cobra
From $60